Extra Pieces - LEGO® Conversations & Perspectives
Jay and Richard talk about the Extra Pieces they find in their exploration of LEGO sets
2 years ago

S3E1 - We are Still here. Price Rises #LEGOCON Ninjago Starry Night and More

A Podcast for LEGO® Fans

Welcome Back to Series 3

Welcome back. Sorry it has been a few months of radio silence. Life got in the way, and we have also both been focusing extra hard on our blogs - which meant that our schedules were almost impossible to line-up!

That said, we are glad to be back in your ears, and things have improved (slightly), so we aim to be back to our regular programming. We've caught up on some of the bigger news and announces while we were away, and also discuss the latest sets and price increase in detail!

And LEGO Con predictions!

A new mailbag segment!

Have any burning questions you'd like to ask us? We're starting a new segment in each episode where we take your questions, so ask us (almost) anything! Send us a message on Instagram or email us at [email protected]

Recent Reviews

75341 UCS Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder Review: https://ramblingbrick.com/2022/04/28/75341-ucs-luke-skywalkers-landspeeder-rambling-review/

LEGO ideas Starry Night: https://ramblingbrick.com/2022/05/17/i-may-not-know-art-but-i-know-what-i-like-21333-lego-ideas-the-starry-night-revealed/ https://jaysbrickblog.com/reviews/review-lego-21333-vincent-van-gogh-the-starry-night/

71772 The Crystal king https://jaysbrickblog.com/reviews/review-lego-ninjago-71772-the-crystal-king/

71775 Nya's Samurai X MECH https://jaysbrickblog.com/reviews/review-lego-ninjago-71775-nyas-samurai-x-mech/ https://ramblingbrick.com/2022/05/14/71775-nyas-samurai-x-mech-hands-on-review/

60346 Barn and Farm Animals https://jaysbrickblog.com/reviews/review-lego-60346-city-barn-and-farm-animals/

LEGO Price Increaseshttps://jaysbrickblog.com/news/lego-price-increases-are-coming-official-statement-from-the-lego-group/ https://ramblingbrick.com/2022/06/03/prices-of-lego-sets-ready-to-rise-in-august-september-2022-announcement/

#LEGOCON Speculation! Avatar reveal: https://twitter.com/officialavatar/status/1535653174240940032?s=20&t=73G7eDrOWYQlYoJ-sgAR4g Marvel Sanctum Santorum Tease:https://jaysbrickblog.com/news/the-new-lego-76218-sanctum-sanctorum-teased-for-a-reveal-at-lego-con-2022/

Will there be a Harry Potter reveal? https://twitter.com/LEGO_Group/status/1536347724332912640?s=20&t=73G7eDrOWYQlYoJ-sgAR4g

Last year… Jay wrote about his predictions for the 90th Anniversary here… https://jaysbrickblog.com/news/2022-lego-90th-anniversary-speculation-and-predictions/

Will there be a super surprising 90th Anniversary Bionicle reveal?

We hope you enjoy the show: please share it with your friends, if you think they might like it. Do you have questions or comments? reach out to us on Twitter or Instagram (@extrapiecespod) Some Sets discussed were provided by the LEGO group for review purposes - all opinions are our own.